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How And Why to Paraphrase Your Content?

Read Time: 10 min
How And Why to Paraphrase Your Content?
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Paraphrasing refers to the process of changing existing content to improve its calibre without harming its original intent or context. It is one of the widely used techniques in the writing field.

In a world, where there is an overwhelming digital content published on the internet, adopting a unique and compelling voice sometimes seems like an impossible battle.

In this scenario, paraphrasing serves as an assistant to maintain a distinct voice, avoid plagiarism, and craft compelling content pieces.

However, let us tell you that there are many people even from the writing field who are not aware of this useful writing technique. So, whenever they hear or see someone paraphrasing the content, they ask how and why to paraphrase the content.

If you also have the same question, then keep reading this blog till the end. In this blog, we have explained how you can efficiently paraphrase the content and different reasons to paraphrase.

How to Paraphrase Your Content- Different Techniques

Below are the techniques that you need to follow in order to efficiently paraphrase your content. Each technique has its own importance, so pay attention to each detail.

1. Apprehend the Original Context of Content

The first technique involves understanding your original content. It is necessary to make you maintain the original context/meaning while paraphrasing your content.

On the contrary, ignoring this step will make you change the actual intent which will definitely spoil the process of paraphrasing.

To understand the content under consideration, we suggest following the below steps:

And so on…

Once you understand the actual content of your content, there comes the step of implementing changing techniques in it. These changes are explained in the upcoming sections.

2. Use Alternative Words In Place of Original Ones

In this technique, you need to change the original words of your content. For this, you are required to use the synonymizing technique. This tech involves the replacement of actual words or phrases with new and alternative ones (that are synonyms).

To efficiently do this step, we compiled some beneficial tips in the below points:

For Example:

“To show the practical implementation of this technique, we replaced the original words of the below text with their synonyms.”


Original Text:

“Science refers to the knowledge that is gained after observation and experimentation. Science is a widely grown field in the world of innovation and development. This subject is especially included in the educational syllabus.”


Paraphrased Text:

"Science describes knowledge obtained through observation and experimentation." In the realm of invention and progress, science is a rapidly growing discipline. This subject is specifically included in the academic curriculum."


3. Replace the Actual Sentence Structure

This technique involves the altering of original sentences in your content. Implementing this technique is beneficial to better, change, and diversify the original sentences in your content.

Below are the useful steps, which will help you efficiently replace the actual sentence structure:

And so on…


Remember: “You need to implement this technique along with synonymizing as it is solely not sufficient for rephrasing your content.”


Real-time Example:

“To better demonstrate this technique, we changed the sentence structure of the below text.”


Original Text:

“Adopting a balanced diet is important especially for young people and those who are above the age of 40, to make them save from the bad results of over or imbalanced dieting. Their health improved.”


Rephrased Text:

"A balanced diet is useful. It will prevent the negative effects of excessive or unbalanced eating. It is mandatory, particularly for young individuals and those over 40. Their well-being increased with a balanced diet.”


4. Proofread Your Paraphrased Content

In proofreading, you are required to analyze the paraphrased text for inaccuracies and correct them. Below are some simple to-do steps that will make you proofread efficiently.

And so on…

A Super-Fast and Accurate Way to Paraphrase Your Content

The manual process of paraphrasing your content is difficult as it demands you to spend a lot of time, and endeavours.

Moreover, it necessitates to have a strong grip on writing skills. Keeping these hardships and restrictions of manual rephrasing in mind, we suggest you utilize an online paraphrasing tool

Paraphrasing with the help of a tool is an easy-to-do task. There you will not have to put in a long-time effort. But all you need to do is paste your content, set the tool, and run it.

The tool will handle the process of rephrasing within no time and will provide you with new, distinct, and compelling content.

Real-Time Example:

“To show you the functionality of the online paraphrasing tool, we revamped the below text.”


Our Text:

“Scientists believe that the tremendous increase in climate change is causing a negative impact on our global normal temperature.”


Paraphrased Text:

“Scientists accept that the colossal increment in climate change is hurting our worldwide ordinary temperature.”




How Online Paraphrasing Is Preferred Over Manual Paraphrasing



Online Paraphrasing

Manual Paraphrasing


Does not necessitate proficient writing skills.

Necessary to have a sound grip on writing.


Always Accurate.

Chances of errors.


Fast process.

Consumes a lot of time.


Minimum efforts.

A lot of endeavours with concentration.


Multiple modes of paraphrasing.

No modes.

Why to Paraphrase Your Content- Different Scenarios

There are multiple scenarios, where paraphrasing is useful for your content. In the below sections of our blog, we comprehensively explained some of the common scenarios along with how paraphrasing is a solution for them.

1. To Make Your Content Simple to Read

Simple and easy-to-understand content is needed in all writing fields whether you are a student, blogger, marketer, or any other kind of writer.

But, sometimes, you may be unable to craft your content in simple and plain language especially when you are trying to describe complex information. As a result, you make your writing/content jargon and complicated for the readers.


In this scenario, paraphrasing is helpful to use to transform your writing from complex to simple and jargon to plain.

Let us solve this problem with the utilization of online paraphrasing tools.

Use of Paraphraser:

“To show you how the tool can solve this issue, we practically used it. We pasted a complex text into the tool and ran it.”


Complex Text:

“Knowledge potentiates us to verbalize the veracity and oppose cruelty. It makes our encephalons ingenious and productive. Erudition is preferred over opulence it gives a man self-gratification.”


Simple Text:

“Knowledge allows us to express truth in words and protest against cruelty. This makes our brains resourceful and productive. Erudition is preferred over luxury; it gives people personal  satisfaction



2. For Removing Plagiarism Issues

Plagiarism or duplicate content is considered to be illegal to have in one’s content. Sometimes during writing, you may unintentionally/accidentally use the ideas or sentences that have already been expressed in the same words by others.

This matching results in duplication or plagiarism. If your content has plagiarised text pieces (for any reason) it will likely result in negative consequences for your content ranking, credibility, and trustworthiness.



In the scenario, when you face some instances of plagiarism in your content. You need to rephrase them in order to revamp them into unique ones. To effectively remove all the instances of plagiarism from minor to major,  you can utilize the tool.

Let us explain this with the assistance of an example of paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing With Online Tool:

“To show the plagiarism issue-solving capability of the paraphrasing, we ran a duplicated content through the rephrasing tool that is shown in the below image.”

Plagiarised Text:

Image Highlighting the Tool:


Paraphrased Text:

“You experience a high level of job gladness because you can make a big concussion on people's lives every day.”

The output we got:

“The tool restated/rephrased the text and transformed it into a 100% unique one.”

3. Remove Instances of AI from Your Content

As AI chatbots are becoming popular these days, some content creators get help from AI to compile their content. However, such type of content is forbidden and unaccepted by educational institutes and some content-creating companies.

If you are a student or a writer who creates content for such types of companies where AI-generated content is not accepted. You need to remove AI detection from your content before finalizing it.


You should paraphrase AI-generated content to remove all the instances of AI from it. All you need to do is check the AI detection first and pass the text pieces with AI instances through a paraphrasing tool. It is necessary to use an AI paraphraser, as manual processes cannot do so.

Practical Use:

“We had a text with some AI instances that are shown in the below image.

AI detected Text:

Paraphrased Text:

“We passed it through the paraphrasing tool. The tool eliminated all the instances by revamping our text into human-like writing.”

Image of Demo:


Now recheck the content with the AI detector.

Again, Check for AI:

4. SEO-Optimize the Content

Another factor that demonstrates the importance of paraphrasing, is its usefulness to SEO optimize your content. If you are a blogger or another type of content writer, you need to optimize your content to rank higher it higher in SERPs. In SEO optimization you need to:

However, you may sometimes be unable to optimize all the above-mentioned things in your content.


In this scenario, you can get assistance from paraphrasing. It will allow you to adjust all the aforesaid factors of SEO in your content. Let us practically show you how paraphrasing can do so.

Practical Use:

“For showing the help of paraphrasing in SEO, we passed the below text with keywords stuffing of “technology,” through a rephrasing tool.”


Our Text With Keywords Stuffing:

Technology is playing a big role in modernization. Technology is developing more and more advanced technology-based software. These advanced technology-supported software are helpful in streamlining our tasks.”


You can see the word “Technology” is repeated for 4 times in this small paragraph. When we paraphrased it, the tool changed some changed the keywords with new words. Ultimately, we got the output with optimal keyword density.


Text With Optimized Keyword Density:

“Mechanization is playing a huge part in modernization. Innovation is creating increasingly progressed innovation-based computer programs. These advanced technology-supported programs are accommodating in streamlining our tasks.”


Image Showing Rephrasing:

5. Make Your Content Compelling

Compellingness is a useful factor to have in content. It will keep your readers engaged/connected with you for a long time. However, for you and even other writers, it is impossible to always come up with engaging to-read content.

And sometimes you may write content with boring, casual, and recurring words that are not attractive to the readers. In this scenario, you need to replace all the boring or repetitive words and phrases with attention-grabbing ones.


Paraphrasing can help you transform your boring content into compelling one. With online paraphrasing, you can instantly replace the recurring/repetitive general and old types of words and phrases with trendy and compelling ones.

Real-time Example:

“We rephrased the below text with some tedious words and phrases through the paraphrasing tool. The tool changed our text into compelling ones by replacing original terms with some new and interesting-to-read ones.”


Tedious Text:

“We are all aware that keeping hard work is good for getting success in our lives. Hard work of today will bring better fruit for us tomorrow.”

Compelling Text:

“We all know that hard work is beneficial for success in our lives. Today's work will bring us better results tomorrow."




Paraphrasing is a widely used technique in the writing field. This is because of its multiple benefits to uplift the quality of content. In the above section of the blog, we comprehensively guided the process of paraphrasing with different techniques along with a super-fast way which is the use of an online paraphrasing tool.

Along with that, we explained why to do rephrasing. We answered this by stating different problems for content and picking paraphrasing as a solution to these problems. All the details are supported with practical examples and demonstrations.